Bachelor Party Ideas and Games

Planning a bachelor party can be stressful, especially if this is your first time. Or worse, this is not your group’s first bachelor party and you want to one-up/impress everyone.

We are here to help! We have planned and hosted hundreds of bachelor parties every weekend for over the past 5 years. We have learned along the way what works and what does not. Most importantly we can give you some Montreal Bachelor Party Ideas you never thought possible!  If you need help right away give us a call any time.

If you are just shopping for some bachelor party ideas you first need to figure out a few things:

  • How many guys will you be? If you are a large group some ideas may not be best, such as renting a house with one bathroom and 2 bedrooms, or going to a fancy restaurant.
  • What type of guys are coming along: are they party animals or a more sophisticated crowd?
  • What is everyone’s budget? Limited funds can limit your party visions…
  • What is the group’s comfort level? Will they really want a little person? Does (female) nudity make them uncomfortable? If half the group are Mormons you may want to revise your plans.
  • What are their expectations? Are they really looking for the craziest time possible or do they want to relax? Is the focus nightlife?

Also note that Montreal bachelor party ideas can differ from other cities such as Las Vegas.


Bachelor Party Games that don’t suck

Usually bachelor party games are very cheesy and lack any creativity. They are best reserved for those that find “game over” shirts awesome.

However, over the years we have found some easy and entertaining games you can play while on your bachelor party in Montreal. It is sure to add some excitement to your bachelor party weekend.

Every bachelor party game we list is easy to implement into your festivities, they are not meant to be annoying distractions. Most involve simple bets, gambling, or ways to get someone to be stuck with the bill.

Here are some of the more popular bachelor party games that don’t suck:

Financial games:

One of the easiest and best games to play on your bachelor party are ones that involve sticking one person with a tab. The stakes are up to you guys, some like to risk a simple round of drinks, others are more daring and raise the stakes to bottles service or paying an entire groups restaurant tab. Just know the people you are playing with and make sure those that play will not cry the entire weekend if they get lose.

credit card roulette

    • A staff favorite. One of the easiest and most exciting games to play. It makes any meal or event into either a pricey or free affair.The premise of the game is simple, when the bill comes at the end of your meal each person at the table throws their credit card into a hat. A designated dealer (use the waitress) starts picking cards at random, the last card picked is responsible for covering the bill. For even more fun bring this idea up before people start ordering to raise the stakes and fun. If you do it at a bar let girls/waitresses do the picking. It is an any easy way to break the ice and build excitement.


A simpler one that can be played by two sides (married vs. single) or two people: Whatever the last digit on the bill is wins and the loser(s) pay..

Liar’s Poker

A game that is much more involved. It consists of bluffing based on making the best hand with the serial numbers on your bill. Can be very entertaining especially when everyone starts throwing in the higher denominations: How to play Liar’s poke