Montreal Best Nightclubs

Montreal Bachelor Party Planners |
Connected Montreal

Montreal is a city with a vibrant nightlife and an abundance of Nightclubs. Because Montrealers have such a liberal attitude towards alcohol and partying you’ll experience some of the liveliest nightlife anywhere in North America.

Montreal nightclubs tend to be on the smaller side. There are no MEGA-clubs with capacities of thousands. Because of the smaller clubs, bouncers tend to weed out the rift/raft and ensure that like minded individuals are always partying together. This also makes it very difficult for big groups of guys looking to get in to some of the better venues in town.

Picking the right nightclub can be challenging. The nightlife industry is always changing, and a club that was hot a month ago might not be the place to go when your group arrives into town. At Connected, our job is to ensure that our clients are sent to the right places, based on your personal tastes and preferences.

We take uncertainty out of the equation when it comes to going out to a nightclub. You’ll cruise past any and all lines and be escorted to an awaiting table to get your night rolling.


What to expect with Connected:

• Be escorted into all the best Nightclubs in the city, cutting the line has never been easier.

• Never pay a cover or have to tip any of the bouncers.

• Get set up with the best tables in the club with Premium Bottle Service.

• Let us introduce you to our friends and make the right connections.


Why Montreal Nightclubs:

• Intimate venues: Most Nightclubs in town have smaller capacities which make it easier for the venues to weed out the rift/raft.

• Proximity: There are a four parts of town that have a concentration of Nightclubs and Supperclubs.

• Cost: Bottle service and drinks are much more affordable than other major US cities. Premium bottles(Grey Goose, etc.) tend to run 250$ with tax tip and mixers.


Some of the biggest differences:

Last Call: All Montreal Nightclubs close at 3am. VIP Sections/Tables: There are no designated VIP areas at Nightclubs with bouncers personally watching your bottles. Having a table gives you the luxury of having a private area for you and your bottles.