23 May Strategies For A Large Bachelor Party
If you are coming to Montreal and you are 10 or more guys, you are considered a large bachelor party. Everyone has different ideas about what they want to see and do. It is easy to see how the weekend can get messy for all the wrong reasons. Here are four proven strategies for a large bachelor party:
Decide On A Budget
In every large bachelor party group, there are always some guys who want to blow the budget out and some who are too cheap to even get a $15 lap dance at Chez Paree (In Canadian dollars might we add…Consider leaving these guys at home.). You want to find that sweet spot that makes the entire group happy.
Leave variable things such as meals and lap dances to guy’s own discretion. However, we recommend pre-paying your big ticket items such as bottles and strippers so they are already accounted for in the budget. If you don’t, you’ll be the guy on the hook for the bill and become a buzzkill trying to hunt everyone down for money. To make matters worse, you might not know everyone in the bachelor party group. There’s nothing more awkward than sending a Venmo request to some random guy before the weekend has even started…and they still haven’t paid you once the bachelor party weekend is over. Follow our advice, pre-pay, and it’ll be smooth sailing.
If you can’t agree on a budget, you could always invite that creepy rich friend pictured below that no one has talked to in years and have him cover your costs.
One Daytime Activity, If Any
Going anywhere is going to be a pain with 10 guys especially if you’re still feeling the night before (Legs and Eggs can change all of that though.) If you insist on doing a daytime activity such as axe throwing or jet boating, choose one. Otherwise, leave the day unplanned, walk around the city, and get ready for the next night with topless beer pong, for example. Boobies over boats.
Pace Your Drinking
We know your excited. You haven’t seen your buddies in a while and you’re ready to start pounding shots of Jameson at 11 AM. Easy there…Great when you were in college, but not so great years later on a bachelor party. Slow and steady is the best way to approach your drinking for the weekend. No one wants to be that guy your whole group has to throw in a cab because you passed out in a stripper’s lap. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless you sprint your marathons.
Stack The Deck In Your Favor
Trying to get into a club with 15 guys with no girls, who don’t speak French, and may not have the right clothes, is a hail mary. Don’t even try it…or you’ll end up calling us Saturday morning for help. It’s simple. To get into a club, you’ll have to bring girls. Luckily, we have young, hot, and impressionable party girls for your group to party with. You’re welcome.
Whatever you do, definitely don’t make these bachelor party mistakes.