The Best Sunday Activities for a Bachelor Party

If you are fortunate enough to get an extra day in Montreal for a bachelor party or if you happen to be in town for a long weekend, here is a list of some cool Sunday activities for a bachelor party.

Tam Tams

Every Sunday during summer, people gather on the grassy knoll of Mount Royal to hang out. There’s nothing like it, but the scene is best described as the beach minus the sand and water. There’s a lot of hot girls hanging out and getting high (on life). It’s a great place to mingle with locals and check out the beauties of Montreal everyone keeps talking about (although you may have gotten a sneak peak over the weekend). If you want to get deep into the Tam Tams, checkout the huge drum circle or the live action role-playing in the woods. It’s a lot more entertaining than you would think.

Bike/Walking Tours of Montreal

Typically, sightseeing is something relegated to families and couples, not bachelor parties. However, by the time Sunday rolls around you might have had enough of strippers and bottles, and will want to take in some culture. Montreal is, after all, the culture capital of North America. There are a few great tours of Montreal worth checking out. The two most popular tours we offer are Bike tours and walking/food tours. All of our tours are tailored to what you guys want to do, from cool places to eat to more traditional sights. Don’t worry, there are always a few stops on the way for some brews.

Club Muzique

Unless it’s a long weekend there are no clubs happening on a Sunday night, except for Muzique. Club Muzique (see our list of best clubs to pickup girls) has picked up where Club Central Station and Club Opera have left off, by throwing industry night parties on Sundays. Every Montreal stripper, bartender, waitress, degenerate, and anyone else who cheats on their taxes is there. Often times, Sunday can become the craziest night for a bachelor party in Montreal. We will walk you in and set you up with a great table and re-introduce you to all the girls you don’t recognize because they are clothed. If you want to party on Sunday, this is the best place to be.