06 Jun Top 5 Bachelor Party Destinations
When starting the planning process of organizing a bachelor party, there are many details that must be taken into consideration. One of the most important details is where the bachelor party will take place. The destination can often make or break a bachelor party weekend. We’ll go through the list of the top 5 bachelor party destinations in North America, from the most obvious choices to less likely options.
5. Atlantic City
[image_frame width=150 height=150 pattern=”dotted” align=”right”]https://connectedmtl.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Bachelor-party-destinations-atlantic-city.jpeg[/image_frame]We were debating on whether AC or NYC should grab the 5th spot, but after carefully assessing all of the pros and cons, we opted to throw Atlantic City in at 5. AC is Las Vegas’ dirty ugly cousin. If you are in need of a gambling fix, and don’t want to leave the Northeast for your bachelor party, Atlantic City is the solution to your problems. Atlantic City’s strip clubs are BYOB, which makes for a very interesting night. Don’t forget your hand sanitizer! There’s a multitude of places to stay on the cheap and there are decent restaurants in some of the casinos, so not all is bad in the AC. Atlantic City serves a purpose, it’s a hit or miss kind of town, so after you exhausted all other options, head to Atlantic city for a bachelor party.
4. Miami
[image_frame width=150 height=150 pattern=”dotted” align=”right”]https://connectedmtl.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Bachelor-party-destinations-Miami.jpeg[/image_frame]Miami is slowly becoming a popular option for bachelor parties. Sun, sand, and booze never make for a bad plan! Miami has some of the slickest boutique hotels anywhere in the world with beautiful people everywhere. As for the girls, your cologne better smell like freshly printed money or they aren’t going to give you a whiff. Like all great bachelor party destinations, you’ll need to have a solid hook-up in Miami to get a big group of guys in anywhere.
[image_frame width=150 height=150 pattern=”dotted” align=”left”]https://connectedmtl.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Bachelor-party-destinations-miami-bachelor.jpeg[/image_frame]Similar to Vegas, all of the best nightclubs are very expensive, with venues that will give away your reservation without notice. The Strip Clubs are huge and fun but they are all far from South Beach, which makes for hitting up multiple venues in one night difficult. One of the main reasons you decided upon Miami is the fact that the weather is beautiful, just make sure you go during the right time of year or you’ll be partying in a Hurricane shelter. Miami is an ambitious bachelor party destination, and, weather permitting, a very good choice.
3. New Orleans
[image_frame width=150 height=150 pattern=”dotted” align=”right”]https://connectedmtl.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Bachelor-party-destinations-New-orleans-bachelor.jpeg[/image_frame]New Orleans is a city steeped in history. NOLA has had its troubles of late, but seems to be slowly bouncing back from Hurricane Katrina. It has a distinct Creole flair similar to the French Canadians up in Montreal. New Orleans is becoming a popular bachelor party destination because of the abundant culture found in town, and due to the fact that prices aren’t stratospheric like Vegas or Miami. However, finding a good strip club in New Orleans is a crapshoot, you never know what you’re going to get.
[image_frame width=150 height=150 pattern=”dotted” align=”left”]https://connectedmtl.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Bachelor-party-destinations-New-orleans.jpeg[/image_frame]There’s no better time to go down to NOLA then Mardi Gras, as the city is taken over by revelers looking to party hard. I would only recommend going during an off-summer period. I thought Montreal’s humidity was bad until I mistakenly went down to New Orleans in the summer: the humidity is overpowering. Although the city has cleaned itself up, don’t go wandering down any side streets, crime is still an issue in the French quarter.
2. Las Vegas
[image_frame width=150 height=150 pattern=”dotted” align=”right”]https://connectedmtl.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Bachelor-party-destinations-las-vegas-bachelor.jpeg[/image_frame]When thinking of destinations for a bachelor party, Las Vegas is the first city that comes to everyone’s mind. We’ve all seen The Hangover, and would definitely like to re-create something out of the movie. There is something for everyone in Vegas. Amazing hotels, gambling, delicious restaurants, mega-clubs, mega strip clubs, gun ranges, etc.
[image_frame width=150 height=150 pattern=”dotted” align=”left”]https://connectedmtl.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Bachelor-party-destinations-las-vegas.jpeg[/image_frame]You most definitely have to go to Vegas at least once for a bachelor party, it is the definition of living every man’s dream. Since no one is really from Las Vegas, going out to a club is the same for everyone, because everyone is a tourist. Las Vegas strip clubs are warehouse style with many levels of VIP and champagne rooms. If you want to enjoy yourself, then you better bring some of those gambling winnings. No doubt, Vegas is a good choice for a bachelor party destination, but sometimes it just isn’t suitable. Budget constraints, travel distance, or just the fact that you’ve done Vegas so many times may be some of the reasons that people get turned off by Sin City.
1. Montreal
[image_frame width=150 height=150 pattern=”dotted” align=”right”]https://connectedmtl.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Bachelor-party-destinations-Montreal.jpeg[/image_frame]Montreal has become a big contender as a bachelor party destination. It has been slow growth through word of mouth and curious travelers. We hear it all of the time, “I have never even thought of coming here for a bachelor party”. Recently, it seems that more and more people are catching on. Summer is THE time to come to the city. Everyone in Montreal takes full advantage of the warm summer months. The city is inundated with amazing international festivals and the Formula One Grand Prix. There is plenty to do no matter when you come in.
[image_frame width=150 height=150 pattern=”dotted” align=”left”]https://connectedmtl.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Bachelor-party-destinations-Montreal-bachelor.jpeg[/image_frame] Another reason why Montreal is a big draw is due to its pricing. Compared to the other cities on the list, prices are significantly lower. The strip clubs in Montreal are world-renowned as they are not only small and intimate but they are notoriously “full-contact”. It is known that Montreal has some of the best looking women anywhere in the world and it’s glaringly obvious as soon as you hit one of the many nightclubs. There is a big emphasis here on food and drink, so expect your bachelor party to be well fed when visiting. The culture of Montreal is intoxicating, and you’ll see what everyone is talking about after you visit on a memorable bachelor party.