11 Jul Top Tips for large Bachelor Parties in Montreal
Don’t let your Bachelor Party turn into a sausage fest because of poor planning.
If your bachelor party is over 10 people, then it is considered a large group by Montreal bachelor party standards. There is a lot to consider when you’re dealing with a large group if you want things to run smoothly. To help with the process, check out our tried-and-true tips below.
Plan ahead
Don’t be this guy.
If you are reading this from your hotel room in Montreal, you are probably already screwed. If not, you need to plan ahead. The easiest way to do this is to call us (shameless plug) 1-877-690-4019 and we will take care of everything else. Otherwise, you really need to have a game plan and some reservations in place. Unless you like spending a lot of time outdoors, you cannot just ‘wing it’ as no place wants a large group of dudes from out of town.
Be a dictator
When dealing with a large group you have to realize that democracy spells disaster. If you want things to go smoothly you have to grow a pair and make the decisions. Tell the group what is what. If you open up the decision making process to everyone you will run in circles, and nothing will get done. We do recommend having one or two key advisors, but at the end of the day, you have to call the shots. Let the group know when, where and how much money you need to collect and you will win their hearts and minds. Set deadlines, if people don’t follow them just plan on not having them there. You are the BEST man, act like it!
Collect money up front
One of the biggest hurdles of planning any bachelor party is the budget. The larger the group, the larger the budgets vary. The key here is to keep the sticker price of the bachelor party as low as possible to get as many people on board, while making it as all-inclusive as possible. Make sure you have all the key costs (hotel, bottles, dinners, transportation) factored into the price. Leave nothing to chance, and never think that you will just collect at the venue from everyone. Trust me, you will get burned 100% of the time if you think everyone will chip an equal share when the bill comes.
Don’t plan too many activities
You are on a bachelor party NOT a bachelorette party. You do not need to make sure there is something to do every 15 min. Overall, less is more when dealing with a large group. We suggest zero to one daytime activity during the day. Focus more on the nightlife. For the nightlife, have one club and strip club set at a minimum for each night.